Frequently Asked Questions

When can I be seen?

Mr. Moorthy endeavours to see patients privately within a day or two of referral.

Do hernias need to be treated urgently?

Not necessarily. The risk of developing complications such as bowel blockage and strangulation depend on the type of hernia, size of the hernia and the ease with which the hernia can be reduced back into the tummy.

Do I need surgery?

A hernia should be operated if it is painful. Even if a hernia is not painful is important to appreciate that hernias will not spontaneously disappear and that surgery will be needed at some point in the future.

Should I have an open or laparoscopic operation?

This decision depends on the type of hernia and other factors. For simple groin and abdominal wall hernias, the preferred approach is open surgery under local anaesthesia. Laparoscopic surgery is usually recommended for recurrent hernias and complex incisional hernias.

Do I need general anaesthesia for hernia surgery?

Mr. Moorthy prefers local anaesthesia for the simple groin and abdominal wall hernias. More complex incisional hernias need general anaesthesia. General anaesthesia is always needed for laparoscopic surgery.

How long do I need off work?

This depends on the type of hernia. Many people who do desk-based jobs can return to work in 2-3 days, after simple groin and abdominal wall hernia surgery, if they can travel to work safely using local transportation. Patients who have undergone incisional hernia surgery may need unto 4 weeks off work depending on the size of the hernia and whether they underwent open or laparoscopic surgery. Patients should refrain from driving for at least a week after surgery.

When can I start exercising after hernia surgery?

You can resume light exercises such as walking, light running and swimming around a week after surgery. You can start cycling around 2 weeks after surgery. You should refrain from weight training for at least 6 weeks after surgery.


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